Thursday, October 21, 2010

TALK THRU THE BIBLE by Bruce Wilkenson and Kenneth Boa

Greetings and salutations ya'll...ready any good books lately.

Back in the 70's...Brenda and I attended a seminar called WALK THRU THE BIBLE. It was a weekend seminar...that took you through the Bible with and overview of the Old and New Testament with nifty little memory techniques that will help you recall the unfolding story of salvation.

I remember little things like how to remember where certain books of the Bible are located. For example...if you wanted to remember where the book of Hebrews is found...think about the preceding books that all begin with the letter /T/. The longer ones start off with the book of I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy,
II Timothy, Titus. What do you need with that /T/? need phi-LEMON. The question now is...what does God do with all of the /T/? Well...HE..BREWS it. To remember the Pauline Epistles of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians...take the first letter of each book and think about this....Gentile (Galatians) Eat (Ephesians) Pork (Philippians) Chops (Colossians). I's silly...BUT...I still know where the books are found.

I first heard of Bruce Wilkenson from the monthly Walk Thru the Bible devotional guides... which lead to going to the Walk Thru the Bible Seminars. I also have Daily Devotion books called (1) Your Daily Walk [365 Daily Devotions to Read Through The Bible In a Year (2) Closer Walk [365 Daily Devotions That Nurture a Heart For God] (3) FamilyWalk [52 Weekly Devotions For Your Family].

NOTE: These are all Recommended Ruminator Reading...within the Recommended Ruminator Reading....more bang for your buck.

Of course...Mr. Wilkinson will probably be more familiar to you from THE BOOK OF JABEZ, SECRETS OF THE VINE, BEYOND JABEZ, EXPERIENCING A SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH, SET APART, and THE DREAM GIVER..and his latest book...YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS (The Seven Keys To a Life of Predictable Miracles). NOTE: No...I do not get a cut of the sales of these books.


I have read through the Bible many times...I have taught various overviews of books of the Bible...but I still find myself wondering about the common thread...the meaning of...the purpose of...the historicity of...the 66 books that are collected into the single volume that we called THE BIBLE. Wow...66 books on one shelf in the library. (See the first book review that we did on THE BIBLE).

Bruce Wilkenson and Kenneth Boa have put together a great resource tool for any Bible lover.
On the cover of my copy it says:

"A unique reference tool to help you easily understand each book of the Bible, its historical context, and its place in Scripture as a whole."

From the introduction of the book:

"The Bible is the greatest work of literature, history, and theology ever written. In its production, preservation, proclamation, and product (changed history, changed lives), it stands as the most unique book in existence. It is a unity out of a diversity of authors, time span, an literary forms. The Old and New Testaments smoothly blend to crate a bold sweep from eternity past to eternity future, from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell. In these sixty-six books we discover our past, understand our present, and attain hope for our future."

I find this book to be theologically challenging...and easy to read...not getting lost in ecclesiastical rhetoric. This is what they call..."BIBLE BASICS AT A GLANCE." Of want to READ THE BIBLE...but this is a great companion to give you insight along the way.

This book has helpful charts, diagrams, and maps along with answering basic Bible questions. Have you not ever wondered..."Who came first...Hezekiah or Samuel?" "What is the purpose of the book of Hebrews?" "Why is the Song of Solomon in the Bible?"

Some of the talking points they give for reading TALK THRU THE BIBLE includes finding:

--The meaning of its name
--Who wrote it
--The date and setting
--The theme and purpose
--It's key words, verses, and chapters
--How Christ is presented (even in the Old Testament)
--It's contribution to the Bible as a whole
--A broad summary of the events and highlights it records
--A detailed outline of the book

"Talk Thru The Bible is a Bible survey designed to give you a quick, clear overview of Scripture. Great for students, teachers, and pastors."

When I am studying the Bible I like to view it from many points of view. I like the INDUCTIVE METHOD as you read a passage and ask the who, what, when, where, why and how questions. Usually...the Bible serves as it's own commentary...but Talk Thru The Bible is a great helper... called along side to help...understand what you are reading.

I give this book 5 BIG moo-moos. I went on Ebay and there are a few copies there for the bidding.

Love and Talking Thru Kisses
Rodney "Talking and Walking...Mooing and Chewing" Boyd

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