Monday, October 25, 2010


All righty boys and girls...get out your pens and Bibles...and lets do a little Bible study.

I have been known to write a Bible study or two in my time. My particular means of study is...the inductive method of asking the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW of the surrounding context of what I am studying. Thus...when I write my workbooks...I ask a question... give you the Scripture reference where you find the answer...and then ask another question.

I recommend THE PURPLE BOOK. You may ask your self..."Self...what is the Purple Book." It is the brain child of two of the co-founders of Every Nation...Rice Broocks and Stever Murrell.

"The Purple Book is a 12-part Bible study designed to help you stand firm and grow strong in your Christian life. The Purple Book guides you into a solid understanding of the Bible."

There are 12 chapters in the Purple Book...each one chock full of lessons to mine for nuggets from the Word of God. Chapters includes:

1. Sin and Salvation
2. Lordship and Obedience
3. Repentance and Baptism
4. The Holy spirit and Spiritual Gifts
5. Spiritual Hunger and God's Word
6. Discipleship and Leadership
7. Spiritual Family and Church Life
8. Prayer and Worship
9. Faith and Hope
10. Biblical Prosperity and Generosity
11. Evangelism and World Missions
12. Resurrection and Judgment.

This is a great book for personal study, family devotions, small groups or Sunday School classes. The question is...WHY? "Because you need a FOUNDATION that no storm in life can demolish--and a heart that's shaped and guided by the knowledge of God's Word."

A great companion book is called ONE 2 ONE in the Discipleship Series...PERSONAL FOLLOW-UP AND DISCIPLESHIP by Steve Murrell.

ONE 2 ONE is a twelve-lesson follow-up and discipleship guide to help believers start right in their walk with God. Topics includes:

1. A New Start: Salvation
2. A New Master: Lordship
3. A New Direction: Repentance
4. A New Heart: Forgiveness
5. A New Standard: The Bible
6. A New Power: Prayer
7. A New Victory: Faith
8. A New Gift: The Holy Spirit
9. A New Life: Water Baptism
10. New Relationships: The Church
11. A New Mission: Evangelism
12. A New Enemy: Spritual Warfare

The idea is..."Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION: The old has gone...the new has come." (II Corinthians 5:17)

These two books gives a great start on the NEW journey.

The section called A NEW MASTER: LORDSHIP is worth the price of admission form me.

"Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, BOTH...LORD AND CHRIST." (Acts 2:36)

"Lordship is one of the central messages of the Bible. Jesus is referred to as "LORD" ninety-two times in the book of Acts and 747 times in the whole New Testament, while being referred to as "SAVIOUR" only twice in Acts and twenty-four times in the New Testament. The Biblical emphasis is overwhelmingly on the concept of LORDSHIP. Lord means master, the one who calls the shots, the one who makes the decisions" (excerpt from Chapter 2)

Old Ruminatin' Readin' these two projects...5 moo-moos.

Love and Purple...One 2 One Kisses
Rodney "Chewing The Cud" Boyd

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